What is the purpose of a tech stack?

The logical answer is to figure out something that balances the solution you are trying to build right now against something that might be needed in the future.

In most cases, its our need to find something that can handle user traffic in the next 3 or 5 years. Well, the truth is. Most apps and website never reach that stage in the first place.

Here’s another hard truth, 90% of the apps and website ever built won’t survive more then 3 years. This is especially true if you are a developer or agency.

So what should be your goal right now?

Focus on the tech stack that is the most easiest to build. That’s it.

Over the past 10 years that I’ve been developing. The most important trait for any founder or client is to build something that can work fast, is affordable for the pocket and can be customised as per the changing needs of the market.

Many low-code tools are very good at all of these. That’s why I chose to dive deep into Bubble and leave behind my product manager job.

Your Tech Stack is Not Important.